
Karibu Sana! – This is Swahili for welcome!

motivated TalkShop Africa members...

...are full of plans and ambitions...

...and know that learning and socialising can be fun!

Kilosa: the TalkShop village!

Mkondoa river during flood

Mkondoa river during flood

Mark's Internet Café in Kilosa: the current TalkShop Africa meeting point!

TalkShop Africa meeting report

TalkShop Africa meeting report

TS Kilosa members discussing the development of TalkShop during a TS meeting held in Kilosa

TalkShop members chatting in front of Kilosa internet café after a TalkShop meeting

TalkShop members gathered for pictures after a TalkShop meeting in Kilosa

TalkShop Africa members

Mark Farahani, owner of Kirsec and TalkShop partner, working on TalkShop from his rural home

Mark, Leah and Ueli Scheuermeier in Daressalaam

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